From the back cover...
The greatest book ever written about supported spinning! Looks offstage. Yes. I know this is the only book ever written about supported spinning, but I have to write something for the back cover copy ...glances offstage again ...because the guy who printed the books told me blank covers look, well, suspicious. Turns toward the stage wing... I am not going to rant about that on the back cover... faces front... OK, so this book is just full to the brim with over 400 pages describing everything you need to know about spinning with a supported spindle. Included with the erudite, entertaining text and stunning photographs are 25 videos taken by total non-professionals who had some trouble figuring out which buttons to press on the camera, but all in all, we think they came out pretty well!
A few sample pages to whet your appetite...
Probably the first-ever interactive PDF to ship on a flash drive! It might actually be the first, but we don't want to get sued, so we inserted a waffle word. Heh.
Interactive PDF with embedded video, shipped on a USB 2.0 flash drive
400+ full-color pages, suitable for any computer or tablet
Requires Adobe Acrobat 9 or later to take advantage of the
interactive features and software capable of playing .MP4 video files
interactive features and software capable of playing .MP4 video files

A new printing might be available in 2013, depending on demand.
Please message me on Ravelry (fleegle) and we will add you to
the list for another printing.
400+ full-color pages, suitable for any coffee table
400+ full-color pages, suitable for any coffee table
Includes the ebook flash drive version
We couldn't find anyone to write glowing praise, mainly because the book was just published, so we made stuff up!
Alexander the Great would have said...
If I had had this book while I was facing Darius III of Persia, I might not have actually won the battle, because I would have been fiddling with fiber.
Cleopatra would have said...
I could have done some real damage to those asps with a pointy spindle.
Shakespeare would have said...
To spin or not to spin, that is the question. But after reading this book, I feel that spinning is the answer, not the question. Anne really liked the book, too.
Einstein would have said...
S-twist or Z-twist, it's all relative.
Feel free to submit your own testimonials and if they are as positive as the ones above, we'll use them! Just think, you get to replace Alexander the Great's or Einstein's verbiage with some of your own!
Congratulations! It looks wonderful!
How awesome! and a creative way to distribute a book...
yay, I can't wait
I don't really spin, but from the exerts I've seen, this is still a fabulous book. I am seriously considering buying the physical book, just because I love the way you write. And I like having physical copies.
Many congratulations on finishing your book.
Would this book be appropriate for a beginning spinner? I haven't yet learned, but I've considered it.
On Feb. 1 I will place my order. State employee; paid at end of month, ya know.
Congratulations! Love the high tech aspect.
I don't spin (yet) myself, but I am glad you put the information out there- I am sure lots of people will be greatful by it. I consider buying it for the fun of reading your prose, but it'll have to wait till after I finish my PhD dissertation. Otherwise it would be very blatant and obvious procrastination...
What a lovely and humourous post! I wish you all the success that I know you deserve. And maybe one day I will start spinning....
As a not-yet-spinner, I have to say Thanks a lot for further enabling my descent into fiber freakiness. This looks like a fantastic book. One day I will bite the bullet & give in to my urge to spin, and I'm sure that by that time I will already have the e-book & be contemplating the physical book -- 'coz it would look so cool on my bookshelf!
Congratulations on publishing your book!
Wow, 400 hundred pages that's impressive.
How did you know that I've got multiple supported spindles on a shelf waiting for me to learn to use them properly? They're currently just admired for their beauty.
I'm very interested in your book on flash. Could you please contact me via email:
Thanks so much
Congratulations! Putting it on my birthday wish list. Guess I'll add a supported spindle to go with the book, and some top.
Looking forward to meeting you at the Carolina Fiber Fest. Such a great idea, the flash drive. I also read and totally support your copyright statement. Have you followed ths SOPA/PIPA mess before Congress?
Congrats to the publicist for the celebrity blurbs! Am starting to check the mailbox in 3...2....1
Love to see that my beautiful spindle set is being used as your cover! I'll look forward to getting the book - will have to debate myself as to whether I get just the USB flash drive or the bound book!
Yay! Just ordered! Only a month of stalking the postal delivery person... can't wait! I'm sure this will be *awesome*, and I *LOVE* the idea of distributing it on a flash drive!!
Wonderful! Kudos! Superb job! Actually looks like a beautiful book.
Just ordered my flash drive version! I'd love a hard copy but I'm happy that you're offering a PDF version for my iPad. EXCITING!!!
Just letting you know I have this on my wishlist.
I see you're going to be in the area in the near future! If I can get away, Disco & I will come by to see if you'll have any of the bound copies or digitals on hand. Who knows, I might just trip up and buy one....
Congratulations that is amazing! Eventually I will own your book! I am sure its as wonderful as your blog!
it ate my post...
I am sure your book is as wonderful as your blog and someday I will own it! You are such an amazing woman. You are totally one of my heros! Keep writing!
I'm still trying to learn how to spin with a wheel (though I've done a little with a drop spindle), so I'm curious about a supported spindle--always willing to learn more cool things to do with fiber.
Thanks for the review, so we could know there is now a book about this interesting subject.
Robin Hood said:
I shall steal this book and give it to my fair Maid Marion...then she can spin and knit me some new tights!!
I picked up your blog via Wendy Knits and love what I see. I would like to subscribe but your link (Atom) dishes up garbage when I try to do you. How else can I sign up for post notifications.
Hugz from South Africa
You are really amazing! And to think of putting it on a flash drive, too---that's just unheard, isn't it? I wish I had any idea of how to spin, but it takes me long enough to knit your amazing Fleegle sock (which I love more than any sock direction on the face of the earth!) Even though I'm slow--they always turn out wonderful.
I am the person to whom you were kind enough to sell your Canon Elf to--and for less than you had posted--some years back. The pictures I have of my grandchildren from that camera are, and always will be, priceless to me I just want to say thanks again, Susan. It still goes with me wherever I go-it's so tiny and perfect for an old lady like me!:)
Mazel Tov! (that is, if I can make out the word verification this time)
Fleegle, any chance you are going to make this book available for download? (I'd expect it to be the same price, but it would prevent the woes/long wait of dealing with Canada Post...)
I was so excited that my ebook arrived!! I was reading the read me first, only to have the child bounce by and break the thumb drive. LOL. It looks like a great book! Now to save up for another copy.
any plans to make a kindle enhanced ebook? which can have the full video embed?
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