Monday, October 13, 2008


I ordered some stuff from Yarn Place a few weeks ago (Why did I do that? Why?). When the package arrived, there was a sweet treat inside--a free ball of Dolce, a new gossamer lace yarn.

Of course, a sample was in order, so I wrestled my #0 needles away from Harry and unearthed my standard lace testing pattern from his well-hidden library (clearly not well-hidden enough, however).

Here are the specs:

Yarn Place Dolce
50% bamboo, 50% merino
7640 yards/lb
62.5 grams/1093 yards per ball
Needle size used for swatch: 0

I photographed the swatch along side Yarn Place's Angel for comparison. As you can see, Dolce is quite fine--apparently much finer than Angel (8423 yards/pound), even though the specs say otherwise. Dolce is tightly spun and I think #00 needles would enhance its appearance, but I was too lazy to knit a second swatch.

Pros: Pleasantly springy, slightly silky yarn with a tweedy appearance (at least in the color I received). Dropped stitches don't run away immediately.

Cons: Colors are subdued and the selection is limited to muted shades. No black, no white, no red. Fortunately, no pea green, either. I couldn't knit this with my eyes closed--it required my undivided attention.

I personally prefer Angel's cuddly and lively feel, but if you like your fine lace yarn a little polished with a bit of a bounce, go get some here and knit on!


  1. You are just evil... evil I tell you. Posting about new lace yarn.

  2. hmm I might be able to tat with it, if it is tightly spun. I think you are evil too

  3. Your shawl in the previous post is gorgeous!!

  4. Looks like nice yarn but the orange/yellow one is not exactly a pretty color.
    Not that I want more yarn!

  5. I love looking at he swatches you make up to compare yarns. Amazing what a small differencein yarn makes to the swatch!

  6. I quite like the subdued colours. I have forced myself NOT to check out this new yarn yet -- I have a serious over stock of laceweight at the moment..... (and of course looming unemployment!) :)

  7. Very nice looking yarn but I'm hip deep in spinning fiber at the moment so I'll just watch you test drive it for now :-) Your comparison really does show the difference though how you can stand swatching is beyond me!

  8. I like the more subdued colours and do like the 'tweed' effect of this yarn.... I also like the stitch definition is gives...

    So what you going to knit with it?

  9. (with fingers in my ears, or is that with fingers over my eyes?!)

  10. How nice! Extra yarn in your box. I love that...
