Thursday, September 4, 2008

Insanity and Other Current Knitting

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein, (attributed)
US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)
This behavior is exemplified by people who continually push elevator buttons in the hope of getting the elevator's undivided attention. Had you been in my kitchen a few weeks ago, you could have watched while I performed the knitting equivalent with the Blasted Triinu's Shawl.

The pattern calls for casting on 11 stitches. Which I did... over and over and over... because I couldn't get the first row to work out correctly. Turns out you need to cast on 12 stitches, but it took me an hour of Einsteinian insanity before I stopped and actually counted the required stitches for the first row. Jet lag. Um.

For some reason, the pattern doesn't gel for me--big leaves, small leaves, central leaves...

Without the help of this Yahoo group, I probably would have frogged the thing after ten rows. The Yahoo group also has information on ordering the pattern.

I am working it on #4 needles in Handmaiden Seasilk, mostly because I fell in love with the color, but also because I adore the way the stuff feels. My version will be quite a bit larger than the original, which was worked in a mystery laceweight.

In other news, I have finished all but the edging of the Bling shawl and decided I couldn't bear to work a knitted-on edging. I found an integrated edging in an old Burda book and I hope to be finished with it in a week or so. I want be done with this thing already.

And finally, I award a Platinum Star to Cashlana, a cashmere/merino sock yarn from Fleece Artist. This stuff has become my very favorite sock yarn--it is super-soft but still sproingy--an effortless knit. I am not wild about the color selection or the short color runs that result in Morse Code-esque socks, but the quality of the yarn is so fabulous that I can easily overlook (and overdye) this shortcoming.


  1. Oh that shawl! I remember when the pattern was not available and then the designer went a bit crazy with the price. Congrats on perseverance, I refuse to interpret and translate a bad written pattern. Life is just too short!
    The color is lovely!

  2. That is going to be beautiful! I love the yarn color. But yikes, I just "ravelled" Triinu; the pattern is going for $33?? It should be spotlessly error-free at that price.

  3. Your Triinu looks delicious...can't wait to see it blocked.

  4. That's a beautiful color! I'm sure it will be a gorgeous shawl.

  5. Lovely! Where does the pattern come from? Where can I get my hands on it? It may be annoying and not intuitive, but oh, it's beautiful. And I love the yarn, such amazing sheen.

  6. OMG!!! I *hated* that pattern - no notes, no instructions, just a couple charts if I remember correctly and a completely absurd price. And when it was finished I hated the way it looked on. I threw it on the floor, stomped on it a couple times, said many unrepeatable things, threw it in the trash and sold the pattern. Someone did a lovely square version of it, don't know if it's on Ravelry or not. I'm sure you'll do better with it than I did!

  7. It is working up very beautifully, hopefully the beginning was the only bump in the road.

  8. I'm having cognitive dissonance. I love the central leaves, and I like the side leaves, but they're going in opposite directions. If the side leaves go down (tree, bushes) and the central leaves go up (climbing vine) it might work for me. But $33 and a typo in the first line? Wow.

  9. Yes. Well. Ummm. It's a nice colour! :-)

    Cashlana, eh? I'll have to watch for that one.

  10. I hope it becomes more enjoyable to knit for you!

  11. Love Seasilk!!! The hand is just so heavenly.

  12. I think this is a beautifl shawl. I like the yarn you are using.

  13. I really hope that there are no more typos in the shawl. Life is too short for insanity.

    The colour is really beautiful. I am sure it will be pretty when you are done.

  14. hmmm...the yarn is beautiful? Haven't done Triinu, really that bad, huh?

    Can't wait to see Bling.

  15. Glad you figured out the stitch problem. That is so frustrating.

  16. Any pattern that starts out getting the cast-on wrong is a pattern I can live without. Still, that yarn really is lovely and the shawl looks beautiful in spite of being so very leaf laden. As for Bling, I don't blame you at all for doing the edging all in one. It makes the rows very very long but once you are done you are really done! Can't wait to see it!

  17. Am not surprised you fell in love with that colour it's gorgeous.... the shawl look great not sure if all those leaves work for me but I will reserve judgement....

    You could always apply your own style of dying to the Cashlana....

    I decide life was too short and frogged Spring Things :o))))

  18. You are so right about the Cashlana - I've got a pair of socks going with it right now, and it feels wonderful in the hands. My toes will be very cozy this winter.

  19. Fleegle, did you finish your Bee Fields shawl that you took on your medical trip?

    Mine is my currently favorite shawl for wearing, and I'd love to see yours.

    I passed on Triinu, though I joined the group, I think I'd rather knit Lyra *G*

  20. Love the shawl. I know I would not have perservered. My knitting time is way too short. I love Cashlana too! I can't bring myself to knit socks with it, though.

  21. another award for you! no need to pass it on if it's too tedious, but wanted to acknowledge my admiration for your uniqueness!

  22. I knitted Triinu's shawl and posted pictures on my blog. I didn't find any errors at the time. I also made my shawl bigger by adding 4 extra large leaves and the filler leaves that went with it. I love mine! I think you will love yours too.
