Monday, February 11, 2008

Tag--I Guess I'm It

Although I've been blogging for more than a year, today was the first time I have been tagged. This particular meme is called Power of 7. Here are the rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.

The evil spirit who got me is All Things Shea.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

1. When I was 9 years old, I was running into a shop in Copenhagen and crashed into Winston Churchill, causing him to drop an armload of packages.

2. I once sat next to a handsome guy named Oscar at a scuba resort in Roatan. When I asked him what he did for a living, he told me he was the President of Costa Rica. "Yeah," I replied, "And I'm the Queen of England." Oscar Arias laughed, fortunately.

Note: I clearly don't have much luck with heads of state, past or present.

3. I don't own a TV, microwave, cell phone, iPod, or wristwatch, but I have eight laptops, a regular standie-uppie PC, four PDAs, and a 600-year old water clock that actually works.

4. I don't need a wristwatch, because I always know what time it is. And I don't need an alarm clock, because I can program myself to wake up at a certain time.

5. My elbow joints can rotate 270 degrees.

6. Jonas Salk was my second cousin.

7. The first sentence I uttered to my future husband compared him to a garbage can.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

Here are the randomly drawn winners (or losers, depending on your point of view):

4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Yeah yeah. I'll do that, then duck and run.


  1. I have been admiring your beautiful lacework. It has inspired my to dive
    ahead into the world of lace knitting. I am knitting the Rona shawl
    presently and I love it so much. I have admired the beautiful Lyras I see
    posted. Do you know if Burda has republished this pattern, and if not how I
    might obtain a copy. You are an inspiration! Sharon

  2. Gadzooks! Tagged is tricky enough -- but to compete with those 7 facts! Hmmmm.....I will need time to ponder.

    You, Fleegle, never cease to amaze me! :)

  3. You are weird! Wait till you see mine!

  4. Dear Sharon--

    Lyra is long out of print, I am afraid. The pattern appears occasionally on eBay, so you might what to check there.

  5. What an amazing life you've had/have. If I can come up with 7 things, I'll participate. Odds are that I'll bow out though. I know, I'm a spoilsport. :)

  6. thanks for tagging me. I don't think my 7 facts are going to measure up, but we'll see.

  7. Duck, but don't run too fast. My aim is not good from South Africa. I'll get you back when I return...

  8. Wow. You do have bad luck with heads of state.

    Lace pictures soon? I need a fix.

  9. Okay, you win. I have no cool heads of state stuff like that. And wow! Jonas Salk? Really?

    Man, talking about brushes with greatness...

  10. And does Oscar Arias hate lobster now too?


    Or was that a different trip?

  11. Hi... I've been reading your blog for a while (can't remember how I stumbled across it) & had to say that I was at Yarn Place on Saturday and saw your GORGEOUS lace shawls!! Was quite fun to get a preview of the Stitches display since I'll be out of town and will miss it.

    Your work is amazing... and immediately prompted me to get the same dark red for a future lace project.

  12. Now, that was really an interesting collection of weird and funny facts about you!

  13. I had no idea you were surrounded by celebritys! Your 7 facts are really interesting and I guess your husband didn't mind the "garbage can" observation since help helped out in the needle surjury and all :-) My 7 will be rather mundane next to yours!

  14. Are you counting Laptop in with the laptops? If not, you have nine ;)

  15. Wow, you do have an interesting history with heads of state.

  16. They were really interesting/funny facts :D
