Saturday, April 21, 2007

Black Widow Spider King: Outer Border Progress

I am at row 20 of 121, creeping along at 1 or 2 rows a day. One day I managed 3 rows--a record. By the end of next week, I should be past the tough section, which features more P3tog-left slants than is really legal. I wish I could pin it out, but all I can do is stretch it a bit for a glamour shot:


  1. That's going to be one gorgeous shawl! Glad you're not leaving it behind. I'm loving the vicarious knitting.

  2. That border is fantastic! Terrific alternative to the one that was originally there. You must have phenomenal concentration to be so busy and yet still focus on that knitting. Great work!

  3. ooh--I love how it's shaping up! What a lovely border design...
