Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Knitting Search Engine

Good Google! Wonderful Google! Now Google can be customized for special interests by letting anyone build a search engine for a specific area of interest.

After my eyeballs retreated into their sockets, I set up a search engine for knitting. Anyone and everyone is invited to become a contributor, user, or preferably, both.

The more contributors we have, the richer the results. I've started the yarn ball rolling with a few of my favorite sites, but they are only a drop in the bucket. Please help out by adding links and keywords to help the engine become more efficient at finding information.

Here is the link:


Click on the Edit This Search Engine link and explore the tabs.

Ah, I will be watching the contributions, so please refrain from adding kumquat recipe sites, links to doorknob collections, and urls that might be considered objectionable. You know what I mean.



  1. It says you have to be approved to volunteer so you'll be seeing me asking for it. I was going to add Wiseneedle.

  2. I'm not seeing the edit tab. Maybe I'm missing something. I would like to add www.knittingpatterncentral.com, www.knittingonthenet.com, and www.bevscountrycottage.com

  3. I would like to add www.knittingpatterncentral.com, www.knittingonthenet.com, and www.bevscountrycottage.com
