Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dremel Guy Strikes Again~

I rather enjoy knitting with beads, although it does slow me down, mostly because of the small number of beads that will fit onto a normal crochet hook. Cheeto here, will demonstrate.

First, you whisk the hook around in the little bead pot. If you're lucky, you'll snag four beads.

After placing these little guys onto your lovely knitted object, you do some more fishing....

And once more..................

And again.......................................

After the eleventy-millionth fishing expedition of the day, I stared at the crochet hook for a few minutes. ....gotta be a way...mumble mumble...., of course!  fleegle yells for...............

Dremel Guy!

Dremel Guy flashed into the room wearing his Formal Socks, a Cape of Invincibility (tm), a Really Old T-shirt, and, of course, his hand-held Miracle Machine! After whisking my hook away, he returned an hour later with this:

Both Cheeto and I were thrilled with the result....

The hook's not much good for crocheting anymore, but the last time I used a size 13 crochet hook to actually crochet was, um, let's see.........scribble........scratch........scribble..........never gonna tell them that number.....Suffice it to say, a long time ago. And I have a spare just in case I take up doilies again. Heh.